
Whirlpool The circular movement of water or wind caused by the encounter of two opposing currents is called a whirlpool. It is a powerful force from which escape is difficult. Symbolically, they represent the difficulties and sufferings of life. Just like the whirlpools in large water bodies (i.e., oceans) forcefully drag down everything caught in them, the whirlpools of life are unsafe for humans and lead to their ruination. In life, the people caught in it have the following habits. In other words, certain habits or way of thinking leads one to get stuck in the unfortunate vortex. 1. They believe in luck. These people account for all the happenings to chance. Never accepting their faults, they blame their fate for all the mishaps they go through. If they failed to prove themselves in any circumstance or didn’t get what they wanted, the fact that they didn’t work hard would be the last thing on their minds. Such people are too dumb, lazy or...