The benchmark for a beautiful personality


A saying goes that a slight difference exists between being pretty, sexy, and beautiful. Pretty is when your face looks good, sexy is when your body is appealing and beautiful is all about the person. It encompasses your inner character as well as your outer personality. Out of these three, we can judge that being ‘beautiful’ is the most valuable compliment.


 What is personality then? Let’s see what it means. The Latin word persona is the root from which the word personality is derived. Persona is a mask or veil used to hide a person’s identity and it was used by actors in the olden days to display particular roles. This brings us to the fact that a person's personality can be fake as well as genuine.

Every single being undergoes the process of growth and development. What kind of personality a child will own as an adult depends entirely on the development and training he received in his early years. According, he might be well-groomed or a hypocrite.

The easiest way to guess about someone is by analyzing their physical side. How attractive do they seem to us? This way of judging is often fallacious. Standards of beauty are not fixed. They change from time to time. A flashback into history will reveal a trend opposite from today. What was then considered beautiful might as well be deemed ugly in the modern world. Likewise, if a celebrity of today time-travelled back into the olden days, he/she might have caused resentment among the masses just because of how odd they looked. (Ex)

Beauty Benchmarks 

What sort of a person is considered likeable? Here are a few standards to describe someone as good-looking.

For Men

Eye colour: Brownish black

Hair: Slightly Curly

Face Shape: Bookish

Face Features: Square jaws, thin lips, high cheekbones, sharp nose, thick eyebrows, slightly broad forehead.

Height: 5’8’’ or 5’9’’

Body Structure: Athletic, well built, broad shoulders, long and strong limbs.

Skin colour: Wheatish

For Women

Eye colour: brownish black

Hair: Brown or Black

Face Shape: Heart-shaped or Oval.

Face Features: long slender neck, pointy chin, naturally fuller lips, high cheekbones, small nose, large eyes, thick eyebrows, slightly broad forehead.

Height: 5’7’’

Body Structure: hourglass, not muscular, long limbs

Skin Color: light-skinned.

Is that it?

But keep in mind that Beauty benchmarks are not the genuine measure of a beautiful personality as many people, especially youngsters, confuse one for the other. These physical features are valued depending on a person’s character. It means even if a person has got all the best physical features (which is not common), their personality is incomplete and unfortunately unappealing without refined habits. So, the benchmark for a beautiful personality is the character of the person. If not for the character, everything goes to waste! And what should the character be like? There are lots of answers for this one but to sum it up I’d say that a character from which peace emanates is extremely worthy. An easy-going fellow will ultimately be valued over someone difficult to put up with.

Elements for Original Development

The factors that contribute to well-grooming are:

Good Thoughts

 ‘You is what your thoughts make you.’

Good thoughts create good emotions which finally positively affect the person. On the contrary, negative thoughts take away peace of mind making the person difficult to put up with.

Sources of Good Thoughts

  • Education which motivates positive thinking
  • Books that are not academic and promote self-learning.
  • Experience and observations

 New Beliefs

Often, you need to wipe out the negativities in your life and reprogram your mind for something better. You need new belief systems to improve yourself.

‘Sometimes the best way to learn is to unlearn.’

  • Belief in yourself will lead to self-confidence.
  • Belief in God's system will lead to you being rewarded by God.
  • Belief in your work will lead to accomplishments.


A person with a visionless life has no idea about his destination. He is a ship drifting aimlessly amid the darks and deep waters. A person who has a vision always leads a purposeful and contended life. He knows he has tried his best and spares no regrets for himself in the future. Such a person is clear on what he wants in life so he aligns his efforts accordingly. He knows the destination of his journey. Even at a young age, keeping a great vision for themselves had been the propeller for all great people.

Interestingly most visionless people lead negative lives and hence end up in jail.




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