Who has not heard of eagles? They are known as the KING OF BIRDS. So, what makes them so reverred?
Possessed with a powerful body and iron claws, eagles symbolize dominance, freedom and dignity. Known for their bravery and excellent hunting ability, these extraordinary birds signify exceptional traits such as perseverence, rebirth and new beginnings. They are a living example of how one should endure his difficulties.
So, what is the reason behind their being exceptional? None other than the fact how they live thier lives.
Truly, nature has all the answers, only if one notices it by keen observation. Many are unwilling to take the effort. Silently, soaring at such great heights, an eagle hints us regarding the attitude one should possess in his life.
So, dear friends. Do not become like a parrot. A parrot just talks. And it talks ways too much but does nothing. Contrary to it, an eagle is deadly silent. But has the power to reach the sky.
Seven mentalities we can learn from an eagle are:
1) Their flight is ALONE
Gliding amid high skies, an eagle is seen all by himself rathar than flocking together with smaller birds. An eagle only flies with an eagle.
LESSON: Choose your company wisely because the type of people you choose to be around with will ultimately define the person you become. Stay away from narrow-minded people. People who belittle you and hence try to bring you down. Never make yourself so affordable.
2) Eagles have VISION
Characterised with excellent eyesight, eagles are capable of detecting their prey from a distance of two miles. Apart from this, their superb focusing ability paves a surefire way to get them to their prey.
LESSON :Have a vision in life. Then focous on it as much as you can, no matter what obstacles and challenges step into your path. Do not give up. Focus squarely until you get it.
3) Eagles are FEARLESS
Bold and valiant creatures as they are, they will fight fiercely so as to get their prey or territory. Notwithstanding the greatness of their opponent, they will never surrender.
LESSON: Great achievers in life have always shown fearlessness and courage, whenever encountered by problems. Rathar then complaining, they face challenges headon.
4) Eagles are TENACIOUS
Powerful enough to endure tough situations, eagles show a fondness for storms. They love this scary weather. Infact, they get exicted at such prospects. As the dark, heavy clouds approach each other and the wind gushes past, this bird finds an oppertunity to glide swiflty in the bewilderness. Using the stormy wind, it pushes itself even higher.
Meanwhile the small birds seek shelter. They escape the storm and hide among the branches of trees.
LESSON: Achievers are not afraid of challenges. They display a positive attitude for it. Rathar than viewing it as a disgrace, they take it as an oppertunity to grow. They face the tough situation life puts them into- and face it well.
5) Eagles avoid DEAD MEAT
Although carnivorous, yet eagles are not scavengers. They do not prey on dead bodies. They eat only what they kill themselves.
LESSON: Never act like beggers lest you become one. Never rely on someone elses success. Moreover, your past achievements are not to be relied upon as well. Make progress instead. Look for new frontiers to conquer. Leave the past to where it belongs- the past.
6) Training is NECCESARY
To become an eagle, training is absolutely required. Eagles train themselves as well as their little ones so that they could survive. Intentionally, eagles create such conditions- removing feathers and soft grass from their nest- inorder to make their little ones uncomfortable. Until eventually they fly off.
LESSON: Leave your comfort zone. There is no growth there. Do not sacrafice your oppertunities for temporary comforts. Only after getting uncomfortable will you be able to make progress.
7) Eagles possess VITALITY
Here comes my favourite part. An old worn-out eagle simply can not fly higher as it ought to. But his story does not end here as expected. Because he comes back again with renewed vigour. How?
As it grows old and weak, it retires off to a barren mountanious region far away from settlements. Putting itself through a painful and bloody process of plucking off its feathers and breaking his beak and claws against the boulders, the eagle stays hidden until it has grown new feathers, beaks and claws.
Then it emerges from the mountains, patrolling the skies at even greater heights.
LESSON: A mind blowing habit for ones survival. Occasionaly, we need to shed off old habits that have no value contribution in our lives. No matter how painful, it is an absolute must to let go of things that do not benefit us. If something is not helping us, then definitely it is breaking us. So get rid of it.
These are motivating points about the eagle mentally, every point was good to read.