Value Your Absence
Many of us make this mistake. The mistake of running after people. Making them value us by our presence. Making them value us by always being available.
But that will not at all help you. You've got to limit your availability. Even customers pay little heed to the item in abundant supply. The demand for the rare is there. The rare thing has great value because not everyone has access to it. Diamond is valuable because its rare. Same is the case with people.
In the same way, the more you show up, the less respect you get no matter how nice you are. Your to can only be realized by your absence. So, besides being a helpful person, show up when needed. Not more. Not less.
The tricky thing is that you have to figure out a way to maintain a balance between this absent-present situation. Too much availability lessens your "price" as the other person takes you for granted. Likewise, seldom showing up also marres your reputation.Your image will eventually be wiped out from the scenario as you haven't made yourself known much.
So, avoid these two extremes and figure out how to live your life valuably- somewhere in between.
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