Who has not heard of eagles? They are known as the KING OF BIRDS. So, what makes them so reverred? Possessed with a powerful body and iron claws, eagles symbolize dominance, freedom and dignity. Known for their bravery and excellent hunting ability, these extraordinary birds signify exceptional traits such as perseverence, rebirth and new beginnings. They are a living example of how one should endure his difficulties. So, what is the reason behind their being exceptional? None other than the fact how they live thier lives. Truly, nature has all the answers, only if one notices it by keen observation. Many are unwilling to take the effort. Silently, soaring at such great heights, an eagle hints us regarding the attitude one should possess in his life. So, dear friends. Do not become like a parrot. A parrot just talks. And it talks ways too much but does nothing. Contrary to it, an eagle is deadly silent. But has the power to reach the sky. Seven mentalities we can learn from an ea...