SELF-HELP: How can you change your fate?


SELF-HELP: How can you change your fate?


Are you fed up with your life? Have you ever desired having a life different from yours? Seems like it is the problem with almost everyone. Let me tell you one thing. Your fate is already decided. You cannot do anything about it- or, can you?

Let’s suppose that your life is a book. It has chapters and pages in it. Words are imprinted that tell your life story. The problem here is that you are just not satisfied with some events in your story, and want to change it (except for some) according to your tastes. Can you do that? Is it possible? Well… it might as well be.

Let’s first understand the term below.


Affability is a great quality of possessing good manners and a forever sweet nature.

Many a times we have heard people whine about how they have been mistreated when they themselves behaved very well. They often say things like, “I was very ice to them, and then why they weren’t nice to me?” That’s plain truth- people don’t always return your goodness to you. So, what do you do now? And here comes the concept of Affability- the master quality!

Affability is when you stay good to the person who did you bad- hurt you in some way. It is when you do or say good to the person you dislike.

Unfortunately it is not as easy as it sounds, otherwise there would be tranquility peace everywhere. For this, we have to first master ourselves- have control on ourselves. This thing is evident. Normally, we aren’t nice to the person who behaves badly In front of us. Mostly, we are only good for the good people and bad for the bad. In short, we are limited spiritually.

Likewise, many of us are limited physically as well. Here comes our main topic.



It is a common observation that whenever you wanted to change yourself or your life- but failed to do so-you give up. Right. Human beings are born with passion. They desire one thing or another. But for some reasons, some will succeed and others will not.

If you want to change yourself- you can definitely do it. But it cannot happen all at once. Expecting an overall change in yourself or in your life in one night is unrealistic. That is the reason may people give up. Their unrealistic attitude toward transformation. You can’t go to bed one night hoping to wake up as a superman the next day- or even a couple of days after. Sorry friends! Change doesn’t happen that way.




“The way to transformation- is always time-consuming.”

You can bring a change, only if you are willing to sacrifice your time.



Consider there two rules IN order to bring a change IN yourself and your life.


Rule No.1

  MAKE a firm decision of wherever you want to go.

Be realistic. Choose an ULTIMATE GOAL- a FINAL DESTIATION in your life.


Rule No.2

 Take small steps towards achieving your goal- not big steps.

Don’t try to make big revolutions in your life. This will ultimately demotivate you forcing you to quit.

For example: If you aim to get yourself into a habit of reading or want to read a whole book. Instead of reading it all tonight (which is burdensome), read a few pages daily. Similarly, if you want to stay fit-instead of jogging 8 miles suddenly, walk daily for 15-20 minutes. The gradually increase your distance or speed.

  If you consistently follow these rules without overburdening yourself- you’ll bring a big transformation in your life.



By increasing your performance little by little every day, you trick your Brainy as well as your muscles into believing that you can definitely do more.



To do your best to improve your life and change your fate, make these two things your priority.

1)      Physical and mental health

2)      Relations

Also control your emotions IN your life. Learn to manage your emotions. Learn to channelize (utilize) them. It has been researched that females are more emotional as compared to males. This means that they analyze situations based on their emotions. ON the other hand, grief management is more in females. Grief is the most manageable emotion. It ceases to exist after 12 minutes of controlling it. But men cannot manage grief. That’s why heart attack rates are more among men.





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