self-help: The difference between rich and poor


Difference between rich and poor people

What makes rich people, rich and poor people, poor. The answer lies in their habits. Just by adopting the habits of any one of the two categories, you eventually become one of them. In this article, I am going to tell you about the things that poor people always do and the rich don’t. So, what are the habits of poor people that are responsible for their poverty? Why do the rich people become richer and the poor, poorer? Obviously, it’s all because of their habits.



It has been found out that poor people (even the lower and upper middle class) spend too much time In front of the television. So they waste their precious time and energy watching consecutive shows for hours instead of utilizing it on something constructive. This bad habit is an obstacle in their progress. Although they do this just for entertainment and getting relief from their worries yet this is a temporary enjoyment. It does nothing to upgrade one’s lifestyle.

Take for example: A lot of us take immense interest In Celebrities lifestyle- their homes, cars, daily activities and marriages. But the point to note is that these famous people do not themselves watch this at all. They just show it to us. So instead of wasting this time, we should utilize it to learn something,


Poor people do this. They take in unhealthy food that has a negative influence on our body. It leads to heart diseases and obesity. Not that they do not know about it. They just don’t think it important. Moreover, they don’t even exercise and so become unfit. As a result of their poor health, they cannot work efficiently. They become mentally, professionally and emotionally unfit.



Poor people waste their money on shopping. Although they may purchase ‘on-sale’ items, yet this is still a waste of financial resources. The same amount could be spent on improving oneself.



This is something very common among youngsters. Well this is a poor habit.  Sleeping overtime or getting in bed late and waking up late in the morning. This blocks out energy and compels people to spend time in useless activities. Moreover, such people will never be punctual. Hence they will be left behind everyone, everywhere. 

·         Our success is measured In terms of money that we’ve earned. So it’s important to sleep less ad keep ourselves working till bank hours.



Very true. Poor people do not take care of their cleanliness. They do not take regular baths. Hence they do not have friendly relations with people around them.  Their personal and professional life is affected. Rich and successful people, on the other hand, are more socially accepted and trusted. This paves way for their progress.



Fact is that 99% of our decisions are under our control. But poor people always find it easier to put the blame for their failure on others. They never accept their faults and will find excuses. Rich people use reasoning to find out the causes and rectify their mistakes.

We are responsible for our deeds, relations and health.



Poor people do not save any money for difficult times IN the future. They spend too much money but save none for upcoming times.



Poor people avoid going to hospitals for medical check-ups. Hence, they are unaware of their disease progressing to a critical stage.



Poor people spend their time with useless people like them. Hence they fail to get motivation and inspiration. This causes them to stay stuck IN their current position forever. To become successful, it is important to be surrounded by successful people.


10)                       DO NOT TAKE INITIATIVE

Poor people do not follow their own ideas and potential. They do not chase their dreams. As a result, they can’t achieve their goals. Everyone has 24 hours per day. The difference is that rich people give more time to their work than poor people. So, if you have an idea, take the initiative ad keep trying until you succeed.



Poor people avoid taking responsibilities, whereas the rich people are responsible ones.

You are responsible for your own life. Don’t depend on others for your betterment.

As time passes, life reveals the realities. And only that person proves to be successful who continuously learns, makes better decisions and corrects his mistakes. Finally that particular moment comes when you become successful and rich. Then you start meeting people like you, who support you. This is how you become more and more rich.



You certainly have no control over the circumstances IN which you were brought up. But you are indeed responsible for the way you choose to live your life. Everyone gets only one chance to live. So, work hard- work consistently to be successful!









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